Engagement Ring
by Clarissa ~ October 5th, 2009. Filed under: Engagement.Zachary wanted his proposal to be a surprise, but he also wanted to let me pick out my own ring. He got a “proposal ring” for that night, and later we went to visit Jared’s to look at engagement rings. It took us a few stops at Jared’s to find the ring we wanted, and by a few I mean six. Every time we went to Jared’s, I’d say, “well, maybe I like this one better.” I couldn’t make up my mind! One of the hard things for us was not necessarily the engagement ring, but the wedding band to go with it. If the band didn’t come with the engagement ring, we had trouble finding one that would work well with it. Jane, our sales associate, was very patient with Zachary and me.
On one of our first visits, we found an engagement ring that both Zachary and I liked, and we even found a wedding band that went pretty well with it. We wanted to think about it a little more, so we had Jane write it down, and we said we would come back. The next Friday that Zachary was home, we went to visit Jared’s again. While we were waiting for Jane to pull out the rings we had looked at before, we browsed the other engagement rings again. Of course, we found another ring that we liked. It had four little diamonds on each side of the mounting. It was simple yet elegant, which is exactly what I wanted. We had Jane pull this new ring out as well, and I tried both rings on. Zachary and I ended up deciding on the new ring and found a very nice wedding band to go with it. The wedding band has a row of 12 small diamonds on it, and it looks perfect with the engagement ring! Just to be sure, we said we’d come back tomorrow. Saturday, we made the purchase, and Jane gave me the wedding band, and I gave Jane the proposal ring. Jared’s removed the diamond and the mounting from the proposal ring placed it into the engagement ring. After church on Sunday, we picked up the engagement ring.

The engagement ring!